Gojara & Korian
On August 1, 2009, dozens of houses and a church were torched during an attack triggered by allegations that local Christians desecrated the Koran. The victims, including children, were burned alive when a mob of extremist Muslims went on a rampage in the Christian town of Gojra.
Persecution of Christians will continue as long as there is no deterrent to prevent radical Muslims from taking the law into their own hands. Human rights groups, including CLAAS, assert that the blasphemy laws are the root of much of the persecution of Christians in Pakistan and claim they are being misused by extremists to settle personal vendettas and harass Christians.
After the horrific murder of eight Christians in Gojra, Pakistan, the community is still awaiting justice. The Nehemiah Team went to support the persecuted church, providing food, utensils, clothes, and cash. Thank you for your prayers and support.